Teens used to be tighter than Fort Knox during inspection drills. But they are fucking at earlier ages these days and you sure will be lucky to run across a 19-year-old thot whose down below isn’t as free and wide as an airport runway! Does that matter? Yeah, it does. Unless you are the kind of fella who likes slack slits that feel more like a great feasting hall down in Valhalla than a proper cunt!
Anyway, this current diatribe on teen sluts and their too-open slits got its inspiration from the TT8Teen site name. And no, the site does not deal in teen porn only. It instead styles itself after that very beloved teen fortress that is TikTok and has amateur and pro-level content from young chicks of all stripes.
Here is my review. Read it and weep if you have plans to breed a teen slut this week and cripple her pretty knees!
A Piece Of Shit On PC
Like many other TikTok wannabes, looks very shitty on PC. While that makes some sense since it is supposed to be emulating a mobile app, it does mean that accessing TT8Teen on your PC might get you howling at the moon in frustration and in the mood to knock out chunks of drywall with your fist. It might even make you arrive at your next fuck date with the local neighborhood MILF slut in such a disturbed state of mind that your engorged cock snaps in half with enough force to make her cervix howl for salvation and redemption!
On PC, you get empty spaces on both sides of the screen and that shit would have been tolerable if there was a full screen mode or the like that would get your screen filled with content. Alas, there isn’t and y’all that plan to access this leak site on your laptops better watch out.
Like I said, TT8Teen seeks to mimic TikTok in all things. It differs though in that the content is the kind you will find on XVideos and Pornhub and that means your Vaseline better be handy and your right hand fully rested so as to make the fullest use of what your eyeballs are enjoying! Otherwise, erratic streetwide cum flooding is to be expected, and my condolences to the person who has to mop up your sticky crud, while making sure no live sperm crawls up their backside and grows into a shitty baby in their ass!
So, user options on this site are both simple and limited. At the top left is a Download button that lets you download this site on your PC or mobile. And next to it is an option that lets you take a peek at the terms and conditions and other stuff like that.
Videos do not automatically play here and that’s good news for your data balance. But then all you wankers have unlimited data and spending 1 TB daily on Tiny4K and XVideos is nothing to y’all, right?
Anyway, the bottom of all video pages here have an icon that I could swear was borrowed stock, lock, and barrel from the TikTok logo. Clicking this icon and the other three on the bottom of the video pages lets you download the site app. Similarly, of the options listed vertically at the left of the page, one lets you follow the account of the chick who posted the content you are currently ogling at, and the other provides a link copy for sharing stuff with your friends. All the other user options are useless.
Sweet Mia, Queen Of The Sweet Butt!
TikTok for those of you rubes is known for short to ultra-short videos. Sure, that's changing, but you will be lucky to see a video on the site that exceeds 4 minutes.
Similarly, videos on are very short. In fact, the first video I saw on the site had a runtime of fewer than 5 seconds and featured the sainted Mia Malkova dressed in nothing but suspenders, with her bountiful and curvaceous booty hanging out. A sight like that sure can make you suddenly eager to spread a chick’s cheeks and do damage, if you know what I mean!
The next video I sighted had a busty chick in a yellow top massaging her slit. From the amount of lip biting going on, I figure her cunt might be giving her some pain and stress, and for sure she needs a hand like mine down there to de-stress her privates and her life!
Now, if you are on a PC, you cannot scroll from one short video to the next. About the only way I could get different videos to load during this review was to click the site reload button. But if you are accessing this site on mobile, scrolling from one video to the next is as simple as moving your little finger up and down on the screen.
Anyway, the chicks here consist of webcam and social media stars, with a sprinkling of hardcore pornstars. You are bound to see a lot of nudity here, plus quite a bit of cunts and assholes being violated by cocks and toys. The quality is good, but the shitty part is that everything on the site is simply too short to make for a good wank.
Tags are available in videos, but they can’t be clicked on and there’s really no way to alter the direction of the smut that loads on your screen. Plus you can’t even loop videos so they can play as long as you need to get that load of cum out of your system!
What I Think Of TT8Teen
There are currently enough TikTok-styled porn sites out there to choke the tender booty of a twerking blue whale and TT8Teen is an unimpressive member of the group. Lackluster user options and a focus on users downloading the site app before they can enjoy TT8Teen to the fullest all means that this particular porn site is in my view an unserious pile of shit left by an amateur who needs to donate his head to the nearest foundry for use as an anvil!