HD porn perfectly strikes the middle ground between too much video quality and too little. That helps a lot when you are watching your data consumption, or just happen to be the kind of person who thinks the likes of 4K and full HD smut as bad for the eyeballs and sanity-retaining capacity of the brain!
So, what I am gonna do today is look over a porn site that is all about porn in HD format. The site in question has like 32 million videos and in those videos are depicted the kind of hardcore stuff that makes what happened in Sodom & Gomorrah look like a preteen graduation play!
Here is my review. Read and weep, or snack on the nutty nut of a natty fool!
A Simple Fucking Beauty has a homepage that deeply impresses, while looking as classy and cock-erecting as other top smut palaces. The homepage here is chock-filled with category thumbnails and two-thirds of the way down you will come across an alphabetical selection of XXX categories and pornstars.
Site features consist of a search bar on the top right, with this being a basic kind of fucker. Next to this is an option to choose from straight, gay, trans, straight & gay, straight & trans, gay & trans, or all porn genres. Another option at that location supports your choosing your preferred thumbnail size, as well as free & premium, premium only, and free only smut. The premium stuff comes from places like XVideosRed, FapHouse, PornBox, and Clips4Sale, and yeah, you gotta pay to watch them, or buy them outright.
Home, Categories, Pornstars, Popular Videos, New Videos, Top Rated Videos and Our Network are the main tabs here. And yeah, PornHD is part of a network of nearly 40 other XXX sites, from FUQ and LatinGalore to ForHerTube and MelonTube. When you click the Top Rated Videos, New Videos, or Popular Videos tabs, options atop the video page allow content sorting by source, VR, content duration, date added, popularity, and rating. That’s not too shabby.
As for the stuff in the Categories tab, you can sort alphabetically. Curiously though, it is not possible to sort by popularity or most videos, which should be logical given the range of sorting options on the New Videos, Popular Videos, and Top Rated Videos pages. My guess is that the fella in charge of putting together the XXX Category page was too busty sucking turds from ThePornDude’s cock to pay attention to what he was supposed to be doing. That’s so shitty!
The Pornstars page also sadly lacks sorting options. The default alphabetical arrangement is all there is and you can’t check out the most popular slit owners that most fellas these days have been devoting their wanking days and nights to. And you can’t even filter the chicks there by jug size, booty weight, and that sort of thing. Needless to say, there’s nothing like pornstar profile pages here and if you plan on visiting PornHD to gather information on this and that pornstar, I would suggest that you abort mission forthwith and have your cock gulped down in Fort Knox, preferably by a cottonmouth!
HD Fun and Slit Beauties!
Tenderly Devoured, Babysit On My Face, Hardcore Casting With Squirting Alina, My Boss Is Better Than Yours, Alexis Crystal Is Sucking And Jerking Hard Cock Till It Cums, My Friend Doesn’t Notice His Girlfriend Fucking With Me, Steamy 3D Sex Cartoon Shows Amazing MILF Fucking With Stepson and College Dorm invasion are a few of the popular videos at the time of this review. Titles here do tend towards unnecessary lengthiness, but they are at least extremely descriptive.
Now, is not exactly a porn site. It is a porn aggregator site and there’s a difference. What it does is enable convenient access to the porn on many porn sites. Using it is a bit like being on many XXX sites at the same time and that can be cost and time-saving.
What this means for those of you yet to catch up to what I am saying is that PornHD does not store any video on its site. Clicking on a video thumbnail will take you to where the video is stored on another porn site and the whole process is smooth and easy. The Tenderly Devoured video for instance, is from LetsDoeIt, while the Babysit On My Face video comes from a site called Kojka. Expectedly the site a video is from, its rating and runtime, as well as its upload date is usually posted on every video thumbnail. And with some filtering options in place, you can access videos from specific sites only, or those of specific quality, genre, and duration.
Anyway, the Hardcore Casting video is from Fapnado. It began with a couple of chicks playing around, with one stripping and touching herself and the other taking pictures. A guy shows up and gets his cock sucked by the nude girl, who then proceeds to ride him in varied positions.
The Alexis Crystal video, on the other hand, had a run time of 6 minutes and the video is from 3Movs. Shown is a guy on a sofa, with Alexis between his legs and delicately licking his cock like it was some sort of exotic fruit. This pretty and small-titted freak spent over 5 minutes sucking one of the most beautiful cocks I have ever seen and got her just rewards in the form of a spoonful or so of sticky cream she would be well advised to put in her tea and drink!
What ThePornGuy Thinks of PornHD
Porn aggregator sites are a dime a dozen, but PornHD appears to be better put together than most. Yeah, it is worth repeated visits and bookmarking, but don't tell the Grinch and his miser of a halved cock that I said so!