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r/DarkJokes Review
~ Pros ~
Large community
OC dark jokes
All kinds of dark humor
~ Cons ~
❌ Low number of posts made per day
Dark jokes, also known as black humor or gallows humor, are a type of humor that involves making light of serious, taboo, or sensitive subjects, often involving death, violence, disease, or tragedy. These jokes can be considered controversial or offensive to some people because they often rely on shock value or make light of sensitive topics that are traditionally not considered humorous.
While dark humor can be a way to cope with difficult situations, it is important to use discretion and sensitivity when telling these types of jokes. What one person finds funny, another may find offensive, so it is important to be mindful of your audience and the context in which you are telling the joke. Unless, of course, you can pack a punch or probably take on whatever number of people come at for cracking such expensive jokes around them.
Well, if you love reading or listening to dark jokes and also telling them as well, then you’ll love this subreddit on Reddit that posts all kinds of dark humor for your entertainment. Reddit Dark Jokes is the name, aka r/darkjokes! That’s right. If you thought you were the master of dark humor, you might wanna rethink on that. These fuckers on here will absolutely outshine you. Stay tuned for the review of this dark community.
Reddit Darkjokes For Jokes That Are Dark And Dirty
Darkjokes is an NSFW community on Reddit that posts all kinds of dark jokes for entertainment purposes. This community was created June 4, 2013 and has since gathered over 595k members with a few hundred online reading and sharing their own dark jokes on the timeline. It is an American subreddit by Americans for Americans. Well, at least, that’s what the community’s motto or slogan is.
There are a number of people in the comments loosing it it to the depth of these jokes being posted by redditors on this community. Quite a large number kf those cliché jokes have been already been marked by the moderators as stale and unacceptable. Mostly the ones that have been posted more often then usual. This ensures quality posting and yes, Middle School jokes are not allowed on there. Posting overdone jokes could result in a 3 day ban. Do well to check the pinned post on the community, there is a list of jokes on there have been reposted to death and the community can no longer take them. So, do watch out for them.
Is That Really From You?
Original dark jokes: due to the lack of originality in most copied posts from other subreddits, this community posted a list of jokes that have been reposted too frequently and as such are overdone and not acceptable for posting in the community. This has ensured redditors on there post more of original creations they themselves came up with. So, while you are on Reddit Dark Jokes, you’ll be engaging lots of original dark jokes, some of which you could never have thoight of in all your humorous life! And some of these jokes are just too dark, you’d wonder if these fuckers have any soul at all. If you got a soft heart, then you have to look away. This place will scar you for life!
All kinds of dark jokes: like I already said, some of the jokes on here are too dark, it’ll have you wondering if these are the same humans you are walking on this planet earth with. You have to be absolutely ghetto to handle these jokes. The lot of them are so fucking funny. It’s the kind of stuff that has you thinking, “damn, this is NOT appropriate, I shouldn’t be laughing.” And trust me, you will not be able to help yourself. It’s insane! So, if you got any of such jokes, feel free to share it with the community.
The Darkside Of r/Darkjokes
As of the period of writing this, there’s been an entry of 13 posts, one of each come in by the hour to the timeline. Can’t say that’s a good number at any rate. The time frame for previous posts on the community are even worse, with not more than 17 posts being featured in a full 24 hours.
I’d like to guess the stringent rule on the kind of dark joke being posted brings about this lack of new posts by the hour. Perhaps there’s a lot of dummies reposting old dark jokes which are removed by the moderators.
Also, the bot on this community is fucking active. Any wrong comment, let’s say the ones that touch certain or specific political topics are deleted immediately.
What I Think Of Darkjokes
Dark jokes are a type of humor that often deals with sensitive or taboo topics such as death, illness, tragedy, or other grim subjects. They are intended to be provocative and may challenge societal norms or expectations. And because not everyone can take it, I’ll advise against softhearted people visiting this subreddit.
That being said, if your stone-cold heart can take a joke, then you should definitely check into Reddit Darkjokes, you’ll love it.