Y’all should be reading my review if you need some sexy lessons. Have you ever wondered where porn videos that get posted on sites like YouTube go? We know they get deleted within minutes but this site positions itself as a retirement home for these porn videos.
So, my task is to shake this site and see what falls out of its old underwear. Hopefully, it’ll be something we like or love.
Motor Boating Ytboob!
I can understand that this site stands ready to scoop up every stray porn posted on YouTube but I’m not sure why they added boob to their site name. I was certainly hoping that it wasn’t just gonna be tits that I’ll be seeing on this site. I needed to see some hardcore pounding happening and I wanted to see it now. Still, I had a lot of high hopes for this site but we all know that sometimes what goes up must come down. You can ask your dick if you doubt me.
The site design and layout looked just like most other sites I had been on in the past. It was even complete with the annoying Ads that make me want to pull hair out of my nuts in impatience. The only thing about the design that was even slightly appealing was the dark background that it came in. At least we wouldn’t have to hurt our eyes while being forced to watch some bullshit Ads.
It’s pretty easy to navigate the site even with all that is going on on the homepage. There were tons of tempting videos that were silently whispering that I should click on them to make their pussies purr. When you watch their videos they also offer you the source of the original video but there’s more chance that the video would’ve been taken down because we all know YouTube doesn’t play when it comes to shielding your eyes from smut. They’d rather have you seeing a billion Ads instead.
Sorting Through Smut!
There were all kinds of content but most of them looked low-quality. That was troubling and I had to get to the bottom of it. I also saw some gaming videos that made it. To be fair the characters in the game looked like they were running around a field as naked as the day they were hatched. You’ll also find weird videos like the one showing some lady using her hands to pump breast milk into a bottle. So, if you have a taste for that content then you can milk this site for more.
There were Hentai videos there surprisingly. What anime comes to mind when you hear of a Hentai parody of an anime? The answer is of course Naruto and that’s why it didn’t shock me to see a video of Naruto’s wife Hinata with even bigger tits than I remember. I began to wonder how this site is smart enough to get these videos faster than YouTube can delete them. There had to be a wanker in charge of that and his hands were as fast fuck for working and wanking.
There’s something kinky about watching a porn video that Big Tech doesn’t want you to watch. It should be a fetish of its own. That’s why when I clicked to watch a 4-second video showing a blonde walking with her ass and ass crack on full display, it worked well to turn me the fuck on. I could’ve seen that on Pornhub and wondered who let that smut get uploaded. I mean, I couldn’t even see her face and the video was still pretty hot.
Sucking More Info Out Of Ytboob!
Their sections for Categories and Actors were made to torture us. They may as well have called it the BDSM section because the info there was outdated and frankly useless as a 14-inch monster of a dick on a monk that is sworn to celibacy. You’ll find categories like Comedy, Vehicles, Education, etc. That made no sense and it reeks of lazy work. They should have been more detailed with their labels. Their section for their actors was just as confusing.
They try to make up for that bullshit with their info in the videos. You’ll be able to find out if the video you wanna watch is HD even before it plays. You’ll also see how many views the video has got, the audience rating and duration of the video are also available to the curious wanker. All you would have to do is click on the video. I respect the addition of all that but they were missing a comment section filled with unhinged fappers.
This site was finally done posing for me and I had seen enough angles to know if the site was gonna make it to my list of porn sites that get a thumbs up from my balls. So, hold on to your skirts and wait for this judgment.
What The Porn Guy Thinks Of Ytboob
Ytboob was unique in a good way. It wasn’t perfect though thanks to some oversights. I would like to see them make improvements if they want to make me a regular visitor. Their category is an example of a section that needs an urgent makeover. But it is still worth a visit if you’re horny enough for some of the smut that Big Tech would hide from your dick. This site gets a recommendation from me!