It’s a very good day to get the porn CDs and magazines out and start tossing them in the lake, I mean, it’s 2022 and people are out here using websites and online means to get their freak on and pump one to the thin air or to a fresh ass laying still on the bed beside them—what’s your motivation?
Whatever your motivation is, I’ve got another resource to bring to you today, a place to view different porn pics, and it’s a site called and I will be reviewing it. This Viewgals review will cover basic pros and cons and I will be closing the day with what I think about using View gals to view porn pics.
Hakuna Matatass
It means don’t worry, for the rest of your days—we got pussies, big firm tits, Hakuna Matatass. I’m sorry if I spoiled your childhood lmao, I just couldn’t help it—I hope no one comes for me haha. But anyways, welcome to another review and I will be kicking this shit from the homepage, down to the inner pages, and discussing the pros and cons along the way.
I’ve been seeing homepages and porn sites like Viewgals all over the place, it’s starting to look like there is an already built template for these people and they just sit down and put their contents. Nothing original, although the design is sleek and lovely, it also looks like something my 16-year-old virgin self will build with both eyes closed. I just came back from looking at different porn sites and I tell you, they look exactly like the Viewgals site.
The front page of the View gals site shows the different categories available, from ebony to hardcore porn pics, down to milf—they are a lot. You may scroll to the end of the page to find the category that works best for you, which is at the bottom of the page, or you may use the categories section at the bottom of the page. There are a number of different categories of videos available on Viewgals, including homemade, close-up, amateur, schoolgirl, and a lot more. It is basically your normal porn video category.
Viewgals have more than just categories for sorting porn pictures. You can also use the pornstar method or the tags method. Think, think of your favorite pornstar and voila, you can find them on viewgals, perhaps your favorite pornstars are retired ones? They got it as well—I mean, they get the data from some porn site and list it on their own website as theirs because for real I have seen the same pics on other porn pic sites out there.
The similarities are just too much, from the porn pics to the models, to even the porn sites. Porn sites, wait a freaking minute—how the heck do they have the same design and contents as another website I reviewed a while back? It’s like the only difference between Viewgals and the other site is just the name and the logo, bruh, what the heck is going on? But it poses no harm to us, so e can ignore it for now.
I think that is all for the homepage, let’s run into the main thing right now—I know you don’t care much about the homepage so let’s into the main content here. The pros and cons of Viewgals, what I find to be trash, and what I found to be good.
Bubble Butts and Onion Booties
Oh wait, I think I have already covered the pros of Viewgals, and what is left are the cons of the sites, things that almost made me shed some tears. For real, I got frustrated with some things on Viewgals, it’s almost like they do this kind of shit on purpose in order to milk more money from us—you get the gist yea?
The first thing I noticed on View gals was an ad among the pictures that just kept dancing in front of me. You might not notice it at first but then when you do, it is surely getting your attention. It is not as if it is super annoying but it’s there and I find it annoying and distracting but oh well.
The second point on the list is the redirections when you click on a picture to view it. Imagine you click on a picture to view and then boom, you are sent to a different site, you click on it again and the same shit happens. You know how annoying that shit could get—and it even gets more annoying when you don’t notice it. So you have gone from a reliable website to a different website, thanks to pop-up ads that open in a new tab, trash.
The ads and the pop-up just put a dent on things for me, I was feeling the vibe on Viewgals until I realized it looks like some site I have seen previously. Who copied who is none of my business, as long as no one is stealing my information—I gotta stay masked all day long.
What do I think about Viewgals?
I think View gals is borderline reliable and unreliable, I think it is one of those porn pic sites that gets porn pictures and data from a general source and make it theirs or poses like it’s theirs. Well, it’s not as if that matters, this is not a site asking for information nor are we hiring anyone, we are just here to view chicks display their cunts filled with creams and sausages.
So if you feel like this is where you get off and you want to stick with View gals for your porn pics, knock yourself out. But if you still wanna ride with me as we explore other sites for porn pics, check out some of the sites I have reviewed, I got words on loads of them.