Know what progress means? The fact that there’s now an AI for everything. Pretty soon, I am sure there will be AI-controlled robots whose sole purpose is to make sure that we fill up the loo every morning when evacuating our bowels. That might or might not involve their tunneling up our respective backsides with a scoop to move shit speedily out of our system and into the sewer where it belongs. Here’s to hoping that the chief turd that’s ThePornDude gets this treatment soonest!
As I was saying, there are a lot of AIs floating around these days and there’s a goddamn awesome collection of them over at Miniapps. Here’s my Miniapps.AI review. Read and learn, with all possible bootie-slapping glee!
A Mini Dick Can Still Get The Job Done!
So, there really is nothing “mini” about Miniapps.AI. The place is full of more stuff than I was expecting and there are actually fewer empty spaces here than you would find in the bed of the chick with the tightest cunt grip in business! But I am getting ahead of myself.
Miniapps is like the Google Play Store of apps and it is arranged like one. The site design leans heavily on starkness and there’s not enough eye candy in view for Ant-Man to slip on and accidentally slide into someone’s coochie!
The stuff on Miniapps is excellently arranged and laid out. Sign In options, plus links to Reddit and Discord are on the far right, and over on the top left is the home menu, plus Discover, Favorites, Care, Create, and Community links.
Of course, you can’t add stuff to your lists of favorites till you are signed in or register, and registering won’t take up to 30 seconds. And doing so makes a bit of sense seeing that there are site options you can’t access – like rating bot performances and choosing a specific AI model to generate whatever the fuck you wanna generate- that can’t be accessed till you get a membership card and use that to slice a thot wide open so that every horse dick in range can fit into that formerly tight pussy! Tough tit, bitch!
Also on the left of the homepage is a long and vertical list of options. With these, you can check out the most popular or newest stuff, as well as chatbots of every genre. There’s also a selection of the newest and most popular bots on the homepage, plus other genres, from music to personal development. And like I said before, while there’s very little eye candy in view, everything here is logically laid out and that’s a win. But it still wouldn’t have taken much for the fellas behind this site to pretty up their page and act a bit, like make it easier on the eyes and worth seducing a gargoyle for, or something!
Not So Mini After All!
Miniapps has a subreddit with all of 81 members, only one of whom was online at the time of this review. I guess the other 80 members were busy cutting their dicks to the right size and shape to poke out the eyes of the neighborhood crows! The Discord link at the top of the page was expired at the time of this review, and someone should go tell the Miniapps.AI admin to input a working link before I smoke his ass and sun-dry him on my roof!
Now, the most popular apps here are ChatGPT, AI Boyfriend, and even something called Comeback Generator. There are actually 28 pages of popular apps, with 10 apps on each page but the last and if you are logged in, you can create your own app.
The Comeback Generator here can use different AI models, from ChatGPT to PaLM and you can provide the context, the situation, and who the comeback is meant for and it will supposedly come up with a killer comeback that will slay the hearer. Plus you can even think up a comeback, or a precursor to it and it will polish it or something, which is all shades of awesome. I tried this app but found the replies generated to be a bit too formal for my taste.
And oh, the newest apps here also reach 28 pages, which is a coincidence on par with doing a DNA test and finding out that your neighbor is the father of all your kids and even the puppies your dog birthed 3 weeks ago! One of the newest apps is named after Neil Degrasse Tyson, one of those scientists who love looking upwards so much that you could cut off their balls and go home with it and they wouldn’t find out till next Halloween!
So, I got talking with this guy, or rather the chatbot that’s representing him. I asked him what the moon was made of and he didn’t take up to 2 seconds to deliver a 100+ word explanation. I then asked him how he liked his women fucked, only to get a reply about not being able to assist with that kind of request. And yeah, I got the same response when I asked if he wanked often. Go figure, because I thought a guy like that couldn’t go through a day without beating his cock to sexy pictures of the stars and planets! Hell, he might be fucking telescopes for all I know!
And hot damn! There’s a Rap Generator bot here and y’all should see the sick lines I got it to generate on a topic that’s very dear to my heart- lil titties! Here’s the chorus to the masterpiece –
“Lil titties come in itty bitties
But I prefer them nice and thick
Give me a woman with some curves and a little chit
Cause when it comes to love, I got a fetish for a fat chit.”
What ThePornGuy Thinks of Miniapps
Miniapps is like Christmas come early and the first thing on the menu is Nicki Minaj’s fat ass for a fat cock owner like you! There are just more apps and bots on this site than I know what to do with and the range of user options here is broad enough to be eternally startling.
I gotta recommend this site and it is just spectacular.